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Practicing wellness during a pandemic? Start at your plate

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Fruit and Vegetables

Worldwide, people are struggling to find ways to establish new routines since the declaration of the coronavirus as a pandemic March 11, 2020.

From working remotely to the nightmare the grocery store has become, stress is spreading faster than the virus itself. It’s times like these that remind us of the importance practicing wellness can have on the health and life of your body and mind.

“I think people genuinely want to do right for their bodies now,” said MKE MindBody Wellness nutritionist Sarah Philipp. The local company specializes in holistic health care inclusive of health coaching, acupuncture, wellness counseling and more.

“There's a lot of stress with work situations, with money, a lot of confusion and anxiety about the uncertainty of pretty much everything right now. So I'm encouraging my clients to find a sense of grounding, routine, pattern and reliability in how they're feeding themselves,” Philipp said.

Philipp has also created a Facebook group, ‘Wellness While Working Remotely,” for those looking for wellness tips on how to stay productive and positive while working from home.

One of Philipp’s tips for clients is to try to stick to a low-inflammation diet. Anti-inflammatory foods can help with boosting your overall mood as well as fight off chronic illnesses according to Harvard Health Publishing. High-inflammation diets have been linked to illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer's.

“Attaining a low inflammatory diet is pretty much always a good thing to be doing. And so now is not an exception. So foods that cause inflammation or exacerbate inflammation -- Dairy is a big one and refined food like bread and pasta, and I know that that's a lot of what people have been stacking up on right now.” Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, rice, quinoa and oatmeal are all great alternatives she says.

Philipp created a bulk buy wish list for those looking for a blueprint on healthier options to avoid crisis eating while in quarantine.

“I'm encouraging people to keep it simple. So now is not the time to meal plan with all of these elaborate recipes. Chances are half the ingredients aren't going to be in stock. So we need to keep it simple and just think in the fewest number of ingredients possible. And then let herbs, spices and sauces be the pizzazz.”

Visit her site Abundelicious for culinary ideas.

“I think that people are gonna definitely have their mindset on wellness now more than ever before,” said Philipp.